Jesus Verifies My Worth
I have come to realise how comforting it is to accept the truth that Jesus verifies my worth.
It releases the heavy expectations that we can put on people to be perfect and lack the ability to disappoint us. But in fact, they’re humans just like us and we will be bound to disappointment and a sense of worthlessness if we depend upon people to validate us. Sometimes it may not be people’s intention to lower your sense of worth, but their actions may prove otherwise. It is easy, yet disruptive to be in a state of emotional dependency because you allow the mood of others to determine yours and eventually your outlook of yourself becomes unhealthy.
We should never be in the state where we have complete reliance upon man as they then usurp the place of God. More dangerous than full emotional dependency is that that person may become an idol in our lives, evident through the lie that we believe: that they could ever complete us. It is such a damaging process because we’ll never please everyone, even if we seek to please a person at one time, another’s expectations of you are not met. It is tiring. The hard truth is that not only are people around us imperfect, but neither are we. As a result, the only One worthy to validate us is Jesus. With knowledge of that truth, we can stand in a place of forgiveness. Through the washing of our sins with His precious blood, He draws us near to Him and calls us by name (Isaiah 43:1) , He calls us precious (Isaiah 43:4) and He calls us His own (Thessalonians 1:4)*
The moment I grasped the truth that Jesus verified my worth was a moment of peace, love and joy and I will forever thank God because I am determined to remember what God says in Psalm 139:17-18:
‘How precious to me are Your thoughts. O God! How vast is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with You’
Despite how others perceive you, despite mistreatment, despite the lack of acknowledgement, despite the fact that you may not be valued in people’s eyes… Let it go and replace it with the truth that God values you. His thoughts about you are ‘precious’, not slanderous or demeaning. Even more beautiful is the truth that God’s thoughts about you are vast, innumerable and endless. What a comfort God’s word brings, imagine the grains of sand on a beach, what your eyes perceive is just the surface, underneath the surface are layers upon of granules of sand. If God’s thoughts concerning us are more than the sand, God thinks about us each second of the day without fail… and again, they are ‘precious’ thoughts. That is more than enough to replace each thought of worthlessness that we think about ourselves and I pray that will be the reality for us all, in Jesus’ mighty name.
(Isaiah 43:1)* - But now thus says the Lord, He who creates you, O Jacob, He formed you, O Isreal: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
(Isaiah 43:4)*- Because you are precious in my eyes, and honoured, and I love you, I give men in return for you, people's in exchange for your life
(Thessalonians 1:4)* - We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people.