You're calling me to a place of INTIMACY
You're calling me to a place of intimacy,
I want to answer.
The more I prolong,
The notes of this song, will only get harder.
But it's not just the notes.
As I clear my throat, the tempo moves faster.
I've lost my place, so I rely on the bass, to guide me back to my place...
It's not just the music You're after.
My Maker, My Master
You want my heart,
And its nothing new, You made it clear from the start.
So maybe its not the note...
Or my throat..
Or the tempo...
It's the distance I've created between us.
Lord, could this be due to a lack of trust?
Just like the beat, its unnatural
And I guess it's something that's been gradual.
But I want... No... I need more of you.
Cleanse my heart, that my sound may be true.
You're calling me to a place of intimacy,
As I answer, take hold of me
Let it be more of You, that I see
